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Stephen Duffy's Blog

First Entry

25th November 2024

The website is far from what I want it to be yet as far as its functionality and content is concerned. Starting a new website from scratch means you have to provide some basic functionality while at the same time creating content. This is not the first website I've produced and there will likely be content I've created for previous incarnations of the Auranos.org website which will be used on this version.

This version is being entirely rewritten from scratch and I'm not quite sure whether to call it the Gartbeth Digital Services Web Application 8 or to call it version 1 of the auranos.org web application. So far the features are pretty bland and this first entry in the blog is hand written in HTML as I have not created the functionality to even log in yet, let alone write content directly to the site on the internet.

Taking advantage of some technologies I have developed to create audio conferencing, I have some plans to create a strange new type of forum which will employ a combination of audio recordings with the general text you see at regular forumware like PhpBB or SimpleMachines. I may also enhance these to include video posting but the idea of storing and transmitting video content will likely make the ISP fall flat on their face so if I do develop video forum technologies, it will be unlikely this technology will be demonstrated here.

Big plans from a little guy. I have always bit off more than I can chew and have been surprised at the enormous whales I have been capable of digesting over the years despite assurance from those who were older and wiser than little me saying that such things could not be done. The Gartbeth land and the assembler for the 8086 were two stark examples where I have achieved supposed impossible feats and my goal here is to gather a group of friends who are, like me, with lots of concerns that we are living in a post-democratic era while at the same time requiring that slavery is abolished. This puts into diametric opposition to failed governments who are of course very big and powerful and regard even freedom of expression to be right they can ride roughshod over. The worst of them will no doubt wish to describe my group of friends as right wing extremist terrorists but when I was growing up, the people who fought World War II were mostly still alive and they were okay with the notion that Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Worker's Party, was not socialist and had such casual disregard for the rights of workers that they glorified the victory achieved against what they regarded to be right wing extremism.

It's ironic that media corporations would depict as right wing extremism, the working class who now adopt anarchist stances in the face of fake socialists who lend broad support to medical experimentation, organ harvesting, the tracking of the movement and social contacts of the public at large, not to mention concerns that existed previously in regard to mass propaganda, censorship and the lesser forms of surveillance appartus misdescribed as "crime prevention" cameras. The view that many police have that fraud is not a crime and parking on a double yellow line is, has permitted our society to fall into a state of disrepair that may well be irreparable. It is not the fault of those who are enslaved and shadown banned from social media platforms advertised by the British Police that the human rights situation in the UK is much worse than is being related to the people comfortably getting drunk in front of their TV.

Those who have advocated against increasing systemic human rights violations have slowly but surely been silenced and we now live in an era where the Nuremberg Code has been unambiguously violated with the perpetrators now using emotional appeals and re-descriptions of mental illness to justify a situation where even children are expected to have mental impairments so as to avoid the label of "granny killer" for being able to do basic maths problems like what does 2.426 equal? Well it equals more than the whole population of the planet. It also equals the 26 days it would have taken for everyone to be infected with Sars-Cov-2 if the R-Index was 2.4 as all the experts tossing Galileo in the jail said while they pushed for the extreme measures of lockdowns and forced vaccinations of everyone months later and decades after the same criminals were tossing granny into Dutch suicide clinics in Anne Frank's home country.

Apparently I'm a right wing extremist for being opposed to atrocities on a par with the policies of the National Socialist German Workers' Party but they did present their proto-stakeholder system as being a socialist utopia for the workers. Just not the ones in the fascist era gig economy being worked to exhaustion then killed off to save resources for newer human resources to serve the Third Reich's supporters. The truth might be a little inconvenient for the supporters of the mentally well ideology that death is healthier for the organ bags going into suicide clinics. We dont just live in a post-democratic era but a post-truth era, a post-reason era, a post-conscience era and the zombies are everywhere.

One of the first things I will be doing after writing this first blog entry will be to put my supposed mentally ill deceived mind toward building a system which will provide access control preventing those who can't think outside of corporate media narratives from accessing what will hopefully become a gated community of my friends and sponsors where the conversations can be many and varied but when it comes to human rights violations, the level of discussion will not be about ifs and buts and maybes but a context where it is recoginsed that human rights violators are at large and not welcome to participate in the conversations available for those who are genuinely likeminded and have the ability to convey their concerns in free flowing conversations without having anything to conceal from other human beings. Afterall, the computational psychology going on with facebook and google knows more about them than their own mothers so what is there to hide and sneak about when it comes to taking part in a friends group for those concerned about the lack of universal human rights.