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Contacting Auranos.org
At the current time, auranos.org is a one man band and contacting the website is the same as contacting the author of the website, its software and its content.
I, personally, would love to hear your criticisms of my software. You will note that this website has more than just a login facility but lots of other little bits and pieces, many of which you should hardly notice, because when people do, its because its BROKEN! If you see something that looks like it could do with repair then get in touch. If you see something you don't like then let me know.
One piece of criticism I got in the past was that the website looked dull and gray and black and white. I was writing software that could be installed by anyone anywhere and I had opted for neutral colours and I sat there for a moment wondering whether to slap the bitch who criticised my work of art or to improve it according to her liking. You will note that the software currently has a teal header. My favourite colour is the colour of long dry grass in early spring but this is beige and boring so I picked teal entirely at random thinking that at least it adds a dash of colour to what used to be either near white or near black.
At the time of writing this contact page, I was also writing media recording software and considered it would be really easy to just plug in an audio recorder I wrote that would act as an answering machine. Would you have used such a facility before emailing me? Would a text message facility been of any use? Are there other ideas you would like to see me implement on this website? I am always ears open to anything I can do to improve the website. I would like it to be cutting edge in the sense that everyone is currently using facebook and tiktok and such like but what will they be using tommorrow? Its not like I will be a big player online like one of those big government sponsored platforms but if I can be ahead of the crowd with the latest innovation then I can perhaps gain a following by providing features that the mainstream haven't seen yet.
See my WebGL application for an example of my own answer to facebook's metaverse. It doesnt support VR headwear since, like I say, I am an indie website developer and those VR headsets cost an arm and a leg but I have no doubt that my code would be very adaptable to two screens and a double render since it was written with VR headsets in mind, albeit I could not afford the technology to do the actual engineering on. Are there things you see that you think would be worth my time and effort coding towards? Get in touch and let me know.